Virtual White Learning Spaces


Parent, Consumer


Tarot Educator + Business Owner

“[The Virtual White Learning Space] was SO useful. I learned a lot. Thank you Shea for holding the space, for your insights, and for inviting us all to share.”

“[The Virtual White Learning Space] was absolutely incredible. Shea is amazing, and just killed it…I will be at every single one. So important and valuable.”



Clinical Director


Mental Health Clinician


LPC, Mental Health Clinician


LPC, Clinical Director + Co-Owner


PhD, Clinical Director + Co-Owner


HIV/AIDS Advocate


LCSW, Sexual Assault Advocate


Yoga Instructor, Intuitive Tarot Reader

"A colleague of mine at a Canadian University first introduced me to ar-tic after hearing about the 'How to be (Less) Harmful' workshop through social media. As a white person who facilitates around social justice topics myself, I went into the workshop with an open heart and, admittedly, a bit of an ego. I thought the readings I'd done and the conversations I'd had within community had already taught me most of what I needed to know. However, the virtual environment Rebecca and Shea created invited me to go deeper and interrogate the white supremacist values I was/am still actively clinging to. Even though they were holding us all accountable for the ways we were (sometimes unwittingly) perpetuating those harmful values, I never once doubted that Rebecca and Shea cared for, and respected us all as community members (even while I was in an entirely different country!). I felt this was especially true of Shea's facilitation in the white learning space, which was nerve-wracking but truly transformative for me. Ultimately, this training had a tremendous impact on me. I can honestly say that I use what I learned from it every day and that it has inspired me to continue to challenge what I think I know and how I think I know it."

“I just want to say that this has been the most useful and clinically relevant anti-racist training I’ve taken thus far. Thank you to you both! You are both skilled and knowledgeable presenters who clearly embody trauma-informed anti-racism. As a result of this training I have implemented some changes to my website and intake forms, and am reflecting on ways I can continue to integrate and embody these lessons in my personal and professional life.”

“I love how you move white people from feeling shame about their privilege to acceptance and use of its power to stay in the work. I also love all the ways you highlight to say F-it to white supremacy, such as letting go of perfectionism and seeing how [white supremacy] wants us to get tired, complacent and quit and thus reinforcing self-care as an F-you to [white supremacy]. I appreciate you.”

“I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the training...I felt inspired and motivated to use my privilege and power as a white person in a position of power to be a catalyst for change…The space that you co-created helped me experience a decreasing of shame, which allowed for more self-awareness and critical thinking…Moving out of silence, I initiated several conversations since the training, including one with my 9 year old daughter.”

“Material gets presented in a way that's, well, you know, it’s stuff that’s hard to hear and really complicated, but somehow [in this workshop] it feels easier to take in. You have a way of sharing information that feels more personal and real, but not in a way that’s pointing fingers.”

“This is the best, most useful diversity and equity training I’ve ever taken.”

“I wanted to send my appreciation of this course [How to be (Less Harmful)]. I gravitated towards this course because of the trauma informed lens, and I think I stayed with it because of you both. I appreciate each of your abilities to present in a no-bullshit manner (my favorite kind of presentor/educator). Your genuinity and passion resonates through the recordings. I slowly made my way through all the modules. I tried to intentionally take my time through each one, to really sit with the information. Between the audio recordings and the PDF workbook, there's so much information. I can only imagine the amount of time and labor that went into it. Thank you. I liked being able to get through this course on my own time...I learned so much. I'm glad I found you via Instagram.” 

“Just wanted to thank you both for creating this course. I'm only into the journaling portion of module three, I'm trying to take my time and go through all the supplemental material, but it's been such a potent learning and springboard into finding more information on anti-racism work. I'm a yoga instructor and tarot reader, so both of my areas of focus have been appropriated to hell, and most courses that are even close to something like this are often run by white people and priced in a way that I could never afford them. So, truly from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for creating something so accessible in terms of price and the way you present the material.” 



Educator and Curriculum Director

“The training was so impactful. Our team loved it. We have so much to think about and work on. We’re so excited for next steps.”